Investment transaction

This dialog allows you to record an investment related transaction. It can be sell, buy, dividend and reinvest dividend. For each transaction type different field are available. For example, the dialog won't allow to enter dividend amount for regular purchase (which is "buy").


Transaction date


An account participating in the transaction. When you buy, the transaction amount will be charged from this account. When you sell, the total amount will be deposited on this account.


Transaction type as listed above.


One of available investments must be selected from this combo box.


If you are entering a dividend or reinvest dividend transaction, enter the dividend amount into this field.

Number of shares

If you buy, sell or reinvest dividend, enter a number of shared into this field.


Price of one share.


Enter a broker's amount or trade price here.


This is the transaction total. If you enter all the other fields, AceMoney usually computes it automatically.

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